30 December 2014
London Underground CCTV
This website has compiled a list of the most surveillance heavy spots on the London Underground: click here for more information about the 15,000 odd cameras on the system
12 December 2014
Fare Evasion
A few years back following on from their own report, the bods at MTA decided to quintuple the fare evasion fine in NYC from $100 to $500. London Underground typically smash this out of the water with a maximum penalty of £1000 although given current fare rates and rises it would be interesting to know if bunking the tube might work out cheaper in the long run....
I'd buy that for a dollar!
Back when Hip Hop was taking off in New York City, Norman Mailer wrote this article for Esquire magazine: The Faith of Graffiti
10 December 2014
5 December 2014
1 December 2014
19 November 2014
Money Talks
This website has compiled a list of five international artists that are making it and caking it. Click here to find out more.
17 November 2014
13 November 2014
21 October 2014
2 October 2014
SEEN UA Book launch comming soon!!!
Keep your eyes peeled for the new Seen book....comming soon to Chrome & Black. Chapter 1 is the first installation from the legendary 'Godfather of Graffiti' and limited to 1000 copies will be a must have for all of the train Graffiti enthusiasts out there featuring trains which have never been seen before. This chapter (book) covers trains Seen painted from 1975 onwards...with books to come which will cover his later works.
30 September 2014
18 August 2014
9 August 2014
5 August 2014
King Robbo R.I.P - PIC speaks
Team Robbo, my words.
Part 1.
Ok, so I have been asked to write a piece about the King Robbo Fundraiser... Shit, how can I put all my personal emotions into a public article? ... (Deep breath)…Despite my initial hesitation, the ability to get this article done is driven by the same pure emotion that has driven me and my man Prime to organise the fundraiser event for our fallen brother Robbo…It’s been very heavy, but it’s our duty, it’s a tight crew thing… He’s our brother.
Our charity auction event at Cargo, East London, on Sunday 4th September 2011 was to my knowledge a first for a writer.
We had over 150 pieces of graffiti/street art donated, the support came in strong from every element. The success of the event demonstrated the love for Robbo.
It’s unconditional and international.
My story? Let’s start at the beginning, a Victoria line platform sometime in 1987...
I was on the line bombing. Getting up was my daily routine.
I was waiting at the end of the platform until the train left the station to disappear into the tunnel. This was a good time to drop a tag, as the passengers who had alighted were all heading away towards the exit...
Remember this was a time before CCTV was on every corner of the London Underground, so a young man hanging around didn't really arouse suspicion.
I put my name up & felt the wind from the next train approaching. I knew I only had seconds until the train would be coming in & the driver could possible clock me, so I composed myself as if I was just waiting for the train. Whoosh, it passes me & pulls in. The doors open, people get off, but I don't get on.
As the doors close I notice two big blokes hanging back waiting for the commuters to go on their way. We clock each other. I try not to make it too obvious that I have noticed them.
The train pulls out from the platform & the commuters are heading on their journey, but these two fellas are hanging around... paranoia has me thinking, 'Shit, it's on top, they're Old Bill.' They start Heading towards me to the end of the platform, my thoughts are racing, there’s nowhere to run, no exit apart from the tunnel, the stench of my fresh tag still lingering, I’m trapped… FUCK, I’m going to be nicked.
I couldn’t even stash my tool because they were only feet from me.
The biggest guy I'd ever seen came right up towering above me, I noticed he had paint splashes on his trainers & within a micro second I sussed it, they were writers & they had guessed I was the same. "You a writer?" says the big guy... I nod... "What d’you write?” the giant says in a cockney accent, I nod my head towards my fresh reach. He looks at my name & says “No way! What manor you from?", I replied.
With an outstretched arm, I shook the giants’ hand & simultaneously he said "Fucking hell, you’re up. Pleased to meet ya."
This turned out to be Robbo & his partner Doze from the notorious WRH (We Rock Hard). These guys were big time hitters, they had all yards & lines locked down. They weren’t playing, they were dedicated, just like me...
We got on like a house on fire, as they say...& within just a couple of weeks we were seeing a lot of each other & shared a mutual respect for one another. I remember when Robbo asked me if I would like to join the crew, It was just after I had MC’ed at the Africa Centre gig in Covent Garden. I was honoured to be asked & I said yes. Robbo, Doze & now me, P.I.C...WRH was now expanding.
At that time I was super tight with my main man Prime. I asked if he could be down & Robbo & Doze said “Yes, most definitely.”
I had been to yards a few times before on my own, but going with Robbo was a different level…..We were on point. Cut from the same cloth. We had balls & we got the job done!
In ‘88 Robbo & I went to work out in Tenerife for the summer. He was DJing & I was MC’ing in a little dive called Dick Turpins on the Americas. Our friendship was cemented & we became brothers, looking out for one another. What a mad summer that was.
Now let’s fast forward to January 2011. Robbo had secured an exhibition to showcase his work & he wanted to bring the original WRH crew along. Prime, Doze, Choci, new crew members Fuel, Pranksky & myself started to work on our individual pieces for the joint exhibition, TEAM ROBBO, The Sell Out Tour was scheduled for the pre view on April 7th 2011.
I wanted to do something different for this. I wanted to stay away from the usual canvas based graff stuff.
I started experimenting with steel & graff based sculptures. Hand styles, letter forms & bling….
Every week we would meet and gain invaluable feedback from each other, in particular Robbo inspired me to adjust a piece for the better, this process re-created and re-affirmed our everlasting tight bond as the WRH crew despite Robbo’s years in hibernation.
As the show got closer everyone started to really pull together, the anticipation of the event was getting our adrenalin pumping. We were buzzing as the final adjustments were put into place.
We all met up on Thursday 31st March 2011, 19:30hrs at the usual spot in Kings Cross. We talked about the event & made more plans & adjustments. It was all coming together. After a couple of hours we started to say our goodbyes. Robbo hugged me & he said, “I love you brother”, I responded with “All the way brother.” He then hugged Prime & said “I love you,” & Prime replied with “I love you too.”
Robbo was taken a back, he seamed shocked at Primes response, he said “Really? because I need to know.” Prime replied “Yes, of course I love you.”
This was out of character for Robbo, he had shown affection before but not to this extent. On reflection, it was like he had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.
Little did we know that this was the last time we would say those words to each other.
Approximately 25 hours later, Robbo was found unconscious at the bottom of a flight of stairs, near his home. He had sustained a massive head injury.
This was 5 days prior to our show.
Many thanks to PIC who was very close to John (Robbo). One love.
30 July 2014
Flik of the day
1997...there was also a nice Rime dub on this ledge....now there is a brown wall....London is quickly becoming like NYC...the soul has been sucked out of it. The people of London are being shipped out to the suburbs and all of zone 1 and 2 are being filled with rich foreigners looking for a summer flat. Fuck gentrification and fuck the buff!...the two seem to work hand in hand!
23 July 2014
22 July 2014
London Graffiti History...
We are told this was going to be a 'Tube Gangsters DDS' wholecar with the letters floating on an all black cloud with fire effect around the edges top-to-bottom. Apparently it was done at Edgeware road sidings against the wall by Nacho (BTS Barcelona), Tox and 2Kold. A rare collaboration piece that never was! circa 2005.
17 July 2014
8 July 2014
Chrome and Black guest spot - Milo Tchais speaks!
The Game Far Beyond The Matches
When you guys asked me to write about the world cup and my take on the political and social issues around it, I thought ok, no worries I’ll do it… But when I actually sat down, it was a different story, since there is so much being said and conspired in the media over here around the subject. I don’t quite know where to begin.
Taking sides in life is not really for me to be honest, and I try to be as sceptical as possible when it comes to political and social issues, to get a sensible overall picture. Remembering that the choice of taking something to grow out of it is always mine, no matter how fucked up the situation is. So there is no escape, in life we are constantly taking sides and have the power to choose the meaning of the experience. Trying to make myself better from moment to moment I hope is the way to make an improvement of my surroundings and the chaotic civilised world we live in. I think in England, Brazil and all over the globe, it’s a big time to be conscious about our own choices, and with the world cup, one of the largest and most watched sports event around the world, many eyes are on the ball, or should I say balls…
I love the way that football, and sports in general, brings people together, communities, and in this case, countries. The sense of communion and healthy competition, uplifts the spirit. Although I think some times it can also have and trigger a distracting, egoistic and fanatical effect in a life experience. Which can restrict and limit it seeming to escape our own personal choice. And while the ball rolls in the field, eyes on balls beyond rolls them freely into their desired goals… As if it never happened for those who were not watching.
Being such a great competition and massive enterprise it affects everyone over here, and the way things are done, how big money is passed around in Brazil is well known, so I can only imagine how contracts around it all were granted. There are a lot of stories coming out, an interesting one is that Brazil prohibited alcohol in stadiums a while ago, and Budwiser being one of the major sponsors didn’t take no for an answer, making it available despite the law. Another peculiar fact is that on Brazil’s match days a bank holiday has been tried to be officially established, and even though it hasn’t been passed through, most companies including banks are closed at those times anyhow.
Today my mood is not really affected by the score of a football match, unless I’m playing myself I guess, I’m trying to get away from mechanisms which my emotions seems to be dictated by something out of my reach, it can be highly addictive. I used to be a big football fan myself and I still love playing and watching, but I feel that specially in great competitions like the world cup, the game goes far beyond the match, and I’m watching that more closely than the actual football I guess. Still, I’ve been watching some of the matches and getting involved but I don’t follow football as such.
Just after the world cup is general elections in Brazil, and while politicians are all worried about making their way into power or staying in it at all costs, the mainstream media over here has being openly conspiring to overthrow the current party. So many protests have happened in the past few months, with a lot of people going out to the streets all over the country. And as soon as the world cup began the media have got their agendas and contracts to meet so everything is world cup now, headlines, adverts, promotions, festivals, you have it… And any protest seems ineffective, as people were also getting involved in the world cup frenetic, loosing interest, and bars and cities got flooded with people, with already many reports of clashes between fans and between fans and the police. Which has been, in it’s military and backwards way of operating, together with the government, trying to retain the chaos with last measures solutions. I’ve heard even gas was used to disperse fans just a few streets from where I live. An area which has unofficially been designated, but heavily promoted in the media and tourist guides as the place to commemorate and watch the world cup, with events and parties. It’s the bohemian hot spot area in São Paulo, but with no infrastructures for it things are out of control in many situations, having it’s full on violent side.
Brazilians can be quite fanatical and patriotic in many situations, proud and chest stuffed, but they can also be annoyingly and ironically pessimist about their own country, constantly bragging about the problems of government, sometimes to the point where it becomes an ironic joke or an argument for any bad doing. One thing I’ve noticed the English and Brazilians in general might have in common.
As I said I believe a healthy competition in such a scale can bring many great things, if we don’t forget that beyond the match there is a much bigger political, social and economical game being played which can heavily affect the outcomes, the whole and us. Weather we like it or not, the choice and responsibility of our own experiences, can only come from our own self, and to turn it into our own favour together.
Keep up the great spirit! Much colour and love to all!
Milo Tchais – 04/07/2014
When you guys asked me to write about the world cup and my take on the political and social issues around it, I thought ok, no worries I’ll do it… But when I actually sat down, it was a different story, since there is so much being said and conspired in the media over here around the subject. I don’t quite know where to begin.
Taking sides in life is not really for me to be honest, and I try to be as sceptical as possible when it comes to political and social issues, to get a sensible overall picture. Remembering that the choice of taking something to grow out of it is always mine, no matter how fucked up the situation is. So there is no escape, in life we are constantly taking sides and have the power to choose the meaning of the experience. Trying to make myself better from moment to moment I hope is the way to make an improvement of my surroundings and the chaotic civilised world we live in. I think in England, Brazil and all over the globe, it’s a big time to be conscious about our own choices, and with the world cup, one of the largest and most watched sports event around the world, many eyes are on the ball, or should I say balls…
I love the way that football, and sports in general, brings people together, communities, and in this case, countries. The sense of communion and healthy competition, uplifts the spirit. Although I think some times it can also have and trigger a distracting, egoistic and fanatical effect in a life experience. Which can restrict and limit it seeming to escape our own personal choice. And while the ball rolls in the field, eyes on balls beyond rolls them freely into their desired goals… As if it never happened for those who were not watching.
Being such a great competition and massive enterprise it affects everyone over here, and the way things are done, how big money is passed around in Brazil is well known, so I can only imagine how contracts around it all were granted. There are a lot of stories coming out, an interesting one is that Brazil prohibited alcohol in stadiums a while ago, and Budwiser being one of the major sponsors didn’t take no for an answer, making it available despite the law. Another peculiar fact is that on Brazil’s match days a bank holiday has been tried to be officially established, and even though it hasn’t been passed through, most companies including banks are closed at those times anyhow.
Today my mood is not really affected by the score of a football match, unless I’m playing myself I guess, I’m trying to get away from mechanisms which my emotions seems to be dictated by something out of my reach, it can be highly addictive. I used to be a big football fan myself and I still love playing and watching, but I feel that specially in great competitions like the world cup, the game goes far beyond the match, and I’m watching that more closely than the actual football I guess. Still, I’ve been watching some of the matches and getting involved but I don’t follow football as such.
Just after the world cup is general elections in Brazil, and while politicians are all worried about making their way into power or staying in it at all costs, the mainstream media over here has being openly conspiring to overthrow the current party. So many protests have happened in the past few months, with a lot of people going out to the streets all over the country. And as soon as the world cup began the media have got their agendas and contracts to meet so everything is world cup now, headlines, adverts, promotions, festivals, you have it… And any protest seems ineffective, as people were also getting involved in the world cup frenetic, loosing interest, and bars and cities got flooded with people, with already many reports of clashes between fans and between fans and the police. Which has been, in it’s military and backwards way of operating, together with the government, trying to retain the chaos with last measures solutions. I’ve heard even gas was used to disperse fans just a few streets from where I live. An area which has unofficially been designated, but heavily promoted in the media and tourist guides as the place to commemorate and watch the world cup, with events and parties. It’s the bohemian hot spot area in São Paulo, but with no infrastructures for it things are out of control in many situations, having it’s full on violent side.
Brazilians can be quite fanatical and patriotic in many situations, proud and chest stuffed, but they can also be annoyingly and ironically pessimist about their own country, constantly bragging about the problems of government, sometimes to the point where it becomes an ironic joke or an argument for any bad doing. One thing I’ve noticed the English and Brazilians in general might have in common.
As I said I believe a healthy competition in such a scale can bring many great things, if we don’t forget that beyond the match there is a much bigger political, social and economical game being played which can heavily affect the outcomes, the whole and us. Weather we like it or not, the choice and responsibility of our own experiences, can only come from our own self, and to turn it into our own favour together.
Keep up the great spirit! Much colour and love to all!
Milo Tchais – 04/07/2014
26 June 2014
25 June 2014
Flik of the day
The Northern line....around 2002 -2004...Odea and Steas were probably the most prolific on the insides of the Northern during this period. Due to the sudden availability of Corio ink from France and Inferno leather dye from Italy the London Underground had real trouble buffing the bombing and when they did the insides were left scarred with heavy stains from the ink concoctions that were being created using these two inks and an assortment of other ingredients including brake fluid....
Bomb Ya Life Away!
24 June 2014
23 June 2014
Street Art: Art or Vandalism? A free event surrounding this topic at Vibe Bar, Brick Lane!
Tomorrow evening we will be hosting a stall and supporting the live debate based around Graffiti/Street Art at The Vibe Bar in Brick Lane from 7.30pm with a really interesting talk from the producer of LDNGraffiti, Joe Epstein. Come and join us for drinks and a discussion into whether Graffiti is vandalism or art.
Event details can be found here and is free of charge!
Event details can be found here and is free of charge!
20 June 2014
Brazil...poverty and football

With so much money being wasted on the world cup, it beggars belief that there is still so much poverty in beautiful Brazil...if there isn't some kind of revolution there soon it will be surprising! a shame.
Read article here
Read article here
4 June 2014
23 May 2014
12 May 2014
10 May 2014
9 May 2014
23 April 2014
Chrome and Black history
Looking back through the old posts on our blog...way, way back....and I saw the old shop near Brick Lane before we had even opened in 2008!
It has been a long journey and we have shared it with all of our friends, family and the wider C&B family alot of who are also our loyal customers...and last but not least the paint companies with whom we work to keep London as colourful as possible.
So, if you havent done so, and if you are interested, have a look and see where the Chrome and Black journey started....below is a short article from early on in the blog which Drax WD wrote about the tragic death of Skeam who was a young writer put in jail for Graffiti on trains...PIECE!
Written by Drax WD on his Flickr.
I just put it up so I could write a message about something far more important. Last Sunday (Feb 8th) a writer called SKEME/SCEME was found hanging dead in his cell at Camp Hill prison on the Isle of Wight. He was serving 30 months for graffiti offences. He was 23 years old. I didnt know him but I know what he was: He was a writer, the same as many of us.
Firstly let me say Rest In Peace brother and secondly lets f***ing do something about this disgusting state of affairs.
This Saturday (Feb14th) there is a protest being organized outside the High courts of Justice on the Strand from 1pm. I do not know who has organized this event but if you google Skeme, protest, Graffiti etc you may find additional info. There is also a petition you can sign. The point of the protest and petition is to demand "AN END TO CUSTODIAL SENTENCING FOR NON-VIOLENT GRAFFITI OFFENCES"..
What kind of disgusting country are we living in when some evil cnut of a judge has the power to condem a young man to spend the best part of a year and a half of his life in prison with all manner of nonces, diseased riddled drug addicts, sexual predators and institutionalized criminal delinquents just because he wrote his name on a wall/train/bus whatever? It's disgusting.
The vindictive British Transport Police (a two bob outfit if ever their was one) tell lies about the cost of such "vandalism" throwing around bullshit figures of 50/60k etc for "cleaning fluids" and other made up bollox that they invent. I had a charge made against me once for approx 2k to clean a dumped train that I know for a fact was "never cleaned". What a joke.
The time has come for these evil people to be shown up for the sick bas***ds that they are. How can a government label the likes of the Taliban "extremists" and "religious zealots" when they behave in such a vile manner towards their own citizens.
Please come along, behave loud but peaceful and show our disgust with this state of affairs (leave behind any beef you have "for an hour or 2" and unite in support of something much bigger than cross-out bulls**t and graff-wars)
A young man has felt the need to take his own life because of what these so called "guardians of justice" had done to him. Dont let the loss of that life mean nothing, say it loud enough and somebody might just listen.
Dont think were idiots that believe train bombing and street tagging should be legal. Give us a mop and sponge any day and I'm sure we'll begrudgingly clean up the mess we've made and learn some kind of lesson. Make us wear an embarrassing outfit with IM A GRAFFITI LOSER written across it if you so wish but dont treat us like f***ing animals and cage us. . . . It just aint right.
This Saturday anyone that calls themselves "a writer" should be there. Next time it could be you or someone you care about or respect. Paedo's get better treatment in this country than graff writers. Check on google for more info.. Try to be there. Coz if you dont show that someone cares these sick, twisted so called Police and Judges will only get worse and worse and worse. . . . . . . . . .
It has been a long journey and we have shared it with all of our friends, family and the wider C&B family alot of who are also our loyal customers...and last but not least the paint companies with whom we work to keep London as colourful as possible.
So, if you havent done so, and if you are interested, have a look and see where the Chrome and Black journey started....below is a short article from early on in the blog which Drax WD wrote about the tragic death of Skeam who was a young writer put in jail for Graffiti on trains...PIECE!
12 February 2009
Get together!!! FEB 14th. The Strand!
I just put it up so I could write a message about something far more important. Last Sunday (Feb 8th) a writer called SKEME/SCEME was found hanging dead in his cell at Camp Hill prison on the Isle of Wight. He was serving 30 months for graffiti offences. He was 23 years old. I didnt know him but I know what he was: He was a writer, the same as many of us.
Firstly let me say Rest In Peace brother and secondly lets f***ing do something about this disgusting state of affairs.
This Saturday (Feb14th) there is a protest being organized outside the High courts of Justice on the Strand from 1pm. I do not know who has organized this event but if you google Skeme, protest, Graffiti etc you may find additional info. There is also a petition you can sign. The point of the protest and petition is to demand "AN END TO CUSTODIAL SENTENCING FOR NON-VIOLENT GRAFFITI OFFENCES"..
What kind of disgusting country are we living in when some evil cnut of a judge has the power to condem a young man to spend the best part of a year and a half of his life in prison with all manner of nonces, diseased riddled drug addicts, sexual predators and institutionalized criminal delinquents just because he wrote his name on a wall/train/bus whatever? It's disgusting.
The vindictive British Transport Police (a two bob outfit if ever their was one) tell lies about the cost of such "vandalism" throwing around bullshit figures of 50/60k etc for "cleaning fluids" and other made up bollox that they invent. I had a charge made against me once for approx 2k to clean a dumped train that I know for a fact was "never cleaned". What a joke.
The time has come for these evil people to be shown up for the sick bas***ds that they are. How can a government label the likes of the Taliban "extremists" and "religious zealots" when they behave in such a vile manner towards their own citizens.
Please come along, behave loud but peaceful and show our disgust with this state of affairs (leave behind any beef you have "for an hour or 2" and unite in support of something much bigger than cross-out bulls**t and graff-wars)
A young man has felt the need to take his own life because of what these so called "guardians of justice" had done to him. Dont let the loss of that life mean nothing, say it loud enough and somebody might just listen.
Dont think were idiots that believe train bombing and street tagging should be legal. Give us a mop and sponge any day and I'm sure we'll begrudgingly clean up the mess we've made and learn some kind of lesson. Make us wear an embarrassing outfit with IM A GRAFFITI LOSER written across it if you so wish but dont treat us like f***ing animals and cage us. . . . It just aint right.
This Saturday anyone that calls themselves "a writer" should be there. Next time it could be you or someone you care about or respect. Paedo's get better treatment in this country than graff writers. Check on google for more info.. Try to be there. Coz if you dont show that someone cares these sick, twisted so called Police and Judges will only get worse and worse and worse. . . . . . . . . .
16 April 2014
15 April 2014
Friday 18th April - OPEN
Saturday 19th April - OPEN
Sunday 20th April - CLOSED
Monday 21st April - CLOSED
Saturday 19th April - OPEN
Sunday 20th April - CLOSED
Monday 21st April - CLOSED
12 April 2014
10 April 2014
24 March 2014
22 March 2014
21 March 2014
6 March 2014
20 February 2014
17 February 2014
9 February 2014
20 January 2014
19 January 2014
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