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Chrome & Black

26 January 2017

Chrome & Black goes to Berlin, January 2017

Last weekend, Chrome and Black took a trip to Kreuzburg in Berlin, a city of freedom and art. Some of our team members had already visited the city in the past but this was my first time (Frankie).
I came across this building as I noticed the graffiti at the top with some mad unusual, American style symbols and patterns. I later found out that this is a popular way of getting reaches where people get to the top of the building and abseil down on a plank of wood. Similar to what you see in this HELLO FROM BERLIN - Berlin Kids video.

Whilst we explored the city I was sure to put our C&B slaps up, marking our territory around Europe as per! It's a shame we couldn't visit OverKill during our visit to grab some paint and check out the trainer section, but that's definitely on the cards for next time. 

The trip overall was a success and has enlightened me towards life and the underground world of Germany. Although I wish I could have stayed longer and explored more areas, Kreuzburg was definitely the one for me... It had a similar feel to London, Shoreditch. I felt that the subcultures where able to rebel towards authority and I noticed that they certainly had a different style and way of going about graff there for sure.
